My name is Maryam Rafiei, born in 1986 (34 years old). I have engaged in graphics from the age of 17 and graduated with a Master’s degree.

About me

Background and Experience:

Participation in Bahar student photography first festival and a nomination for the exhibition (May 2014)

Participation in the fifth festival of The Legacy of sagacity concerning poetry and poets and nomination for the exhibition  (May 2015)

Participation in poster festival with Peace subject matter and work election for Documents and National Library exhibition

Essay publication with the subject matter of investigating the effects of modern art on Iran contemporary typography transformation in Religacion (2019) and two digital painting works in Peace Color book, 2020

Professors and Resume:

Mr. Jamshid Arasteh  (Communication Ph.D. student, embellishment chairman head of organization in Shiraz, faculty member, and the chairman of graphic department in Eram Shiraz higher education institution)

Mr. Majid Salimi ( Modern art linguistics Ph.D. student, faculty member, and the chairman of the painting department in Eram Shiraz higher education institution)


Visual arts exhibition with Dawn Dream subject, Istanbul, 2018

Digital painting exhibition in Galerie Sonia Monti, Paris, 2019

Peace Color exhibition in the Museum of the Qasr Prison, Tehran, 2020